Friday, June 6, 2008

A little off color...

Ok, I know this is probably not exactly family appropriate to post here, but it was too funny not to.

Braxton is still in diapers, but becoming more aware of his "functions" everyday. This morning We were doing the showering routine, and Braxton was in the closet with me as I was getting dressed. He started doing the "wedgie dance" as I call it. He did a couple of grunts and at this point I know he's pooping. Well after he passed it he says "wow, that was a big football poop". I wasn't quite sure what to say to my son after he told me he had a football bowel movement...

2 reviews:

Mrs. Wookie said...


*breath in*


Mehgan said...

oh my god...ew...but funny...but ew...