Wednesday, July 16, 2008


So, in case you lovely blog-stalkers out there don't know what the east coast summers are like, I'll explain it in three words: BIG FAT SUCK! The heat I can handle, but the humidity is always awful. Like an average of a bajillion percent or something like that. So, because of this I keep the boys and myself holed up in the house during the worst of it. Yes, I know some will be horrified at the thought of me keeping my kids inside during the summer. But one, its for their own good. They're too little to have to deal with those heat conditions. Two, if I do let them outside, they can only be out there for a little teensy while before they've sweated everything out and have to come inside to cool down. So, because of this big fat suck weather, I try to come up with fun ways to entertain ourselves inside the house until evening when we can go out side and only sort of die. Yesterday, I built Braxton a fort in the living room. For those who know of the fort that exists inside the playroom, I'm sure you're wondering why. The answer is simple. This, is a different, non-permanent, super cool fort. Saweet huh?
He doesn't model for the camera much anymore...
isn't he adorable. Of course lunch absolutely had to be eaten inside the fort.

I made this fabulous peice of fort accoutrements. Yeah, I know, Its fabulous!

3 reviews:

Michael said...

accoutrements. I love your fort! Brendan and I make forts all the time, though they occasionally turn into "tickle tents".

Mommy McD said...

I was close. I couldn't remember how the durn word ended!

Mrs. Wookie said...

omg, i love the quilt. whoever doesn't like snoopie can eat it. :)