Monday, June 22, 2009

A day late and a dollar short.

No, I didn't blog yesterday about my wonderful, dear ol' pa. We had family coming down for dinner so we got up and went to the 9:30 am Mass. How shocked is everybody by that? Normally we're just peeling the mattress off of our backs at that time. We usually make it to church at about 5:30... Yeah - we're awesome like that.

Alright - Onto the daddy stuff. 'Cuz this man seriously rocks. Look at that butterball of a baby. Daddy I love you.

I love that you've figured out how to text. It's hilarious.

I love that you'll answer any home improvement/construction type questions I have.

I also love that you absolutely made sure I hate mornings. By banging things, flashing lights, and singing annoying songs at an hour that no teenager should see on the weekends. My kids will one day thank you for making sure their mom likes to sleep in.

I love that back in March '03 you drove like 90 mph on icey roads to the hospital to make sure I didn't die.

I love that you drove all the way down from P-town one day that my gas guage stopped working and I spluttered to a stop on some podunk exit off of I-5. Thanks.

I love that you taught me to change my own oil, replace hoses, etc. in my car - but forgot to teach me how to change a tire. (I had to google it one day...)

Most of all, I love that you didn't have to, but you made me yours.

You're pretty awesome dad. Thanks.

I can't have a father's day post without posting about this guy, too:

The man who is favored over me. Probably because he does fun stuff like video games - and I'm the one who tells them to turn it off.

He's an awesome dad. He totally deserves a day. Love you Captain Mark. Thanks for being an awesome person - so our boys can become awesome people too.

And now for the Last (but not least) dad on the list.

The man responsible for making the aforementioned husband the awesome man he is:

Thanks Rickey. Love you too!

Happy Father's Day. Hope it was a good one for all three of you.

1 reviews:

EMac said...

I think my dad stole that shirt from me.