Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mother's Day. Finally.

Who doesn't want to spend Mother's Day with 27 preschoolers? The moms of B-rox's school are given a day in May, where they get to attend school with their kid. It's pretty awesome.

Here's what we did:
Lined up.

Cheesed for the camera.

Did karate while singing the days of the week, months of the year and some counting.

Had a little share time.

This is the line. (B-rox wanted you guys to see where he sits...)

Then we played a game. Where Braxton always wins...

Some number rods.
Can anybody guess which rods I counted in?

Made a water fountain.
Cleaned up the water fountain, and posed for a cute-ola picture.

Ate snack. With Gracie.
He was pretty stoked that snack was a special treat...

Finger stamped some butterflies.


Took a picture he will someday not want shown to his girlfriend...
Looked at rocks. We spent a very long time on this one...

Cracked an egg, and identified all the parts.

Beaded a bracelet that was for mom, but not actually for mom.

Sucked the water out of one container, and squirted it in another.

Then we sang more songs and then goodbyes.

Preschool is Ridiculously exhausting.

Naps were taken.

It was also a fan-freaking-tastic Mother's day for me.

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