Wednesday, October 19, 2011

More bullets!

Jumping right in... 

*We rented a beach side condo for our trip to San Diego and it looks FABTASTIC.  I'm stoked.  However, because it's not a hotel, they don't keep things like play yards or travel cribs on hand.  In order to rent one, you have to go through a third party company.  That third party company wanted $100 freakin' dollars to rent us a crib for the week we'll be in sunny California.
Uhm. No.

I happened to remember some articles/reviews/advertisements on pop-up style travel beds.  I got to Googling.
And found this:
For $55 I not only have a small, foldable, suitcase-totable, travel crib - I also have a shelter for play at the beach, and shade at summer soccer games.  I'd call this a win.
It just arrived today.  It's seriously cool.  I'll give a review after we've used it a bit.

*Pinterest is on the verge of making me fat.
Recipes I've made in the last few weeks:
Kenny and I made these this afternoon. Holy Batman.
Make these if you like air.
Also mondo delicous.  Hubband said the texture was a little off
from actual burger, (duh), but that he liked them.
I thought they were fantastic, but I'm crazy like that.
Beer mac 'n' cheese.  Meh, good - but not I MUST EAT IT ALL good.
The addition of beer makes it runny  - but gives decent flavor.
Try if you need something new in your life. 
SO good.  Perfect fall nightcap.
And finally, these:
I made a batch of these for dinner.
They were loved by all.
Also, I made some substitutions to make them a teensy bit healthier:
instead of regular flour - whole wheat flour
instead regular pepperoni - turkey pepperoni
instead of regular sausage - turkey sausage
instead of whole milk - 2%
instead of whole mozzarella - skim
and I skipped the parmesan.  I felt that was just overkill.
So, the next day - I made a triple batch to throw in the boys' lunch boxes that week.
*Awesome mom award* Right here. 
And, now, it's time to go pick up the other kid...

1 reviews:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you so need a vacay Sarah, enjoy your west coast get a way