Monday, January 9, 2012

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Its a new year. Bringing new things - and all that jazz.

B-rox, on Saturday night, looks up at the sunset and says, "I know what causes all that fire".
Me: Oh yeah?  What?
B-rox: A rocketship crashed.

I have Christmas to catch up on.
[It was wonderful and full of joy.]

New things are coming this year!  Exciting things!  (No, not pregnant.  Thank you, grilled cheezus.)
But until it's firmed up and FO SHO -  I can't tell.

The dog still isn't housebroken.  Blah.

Three new races in the books already for the year.

Two "resolutions".  Which is a dumb name, because if I don't achieve them - I'll be a better person for even attempting them and only getting halfway.  (What kind of smarmy, mushy crap is that????)
1. Read 65 books.
2. Run 2,012 miles.  (Averages out to 5.5 a day.)

Woot!  Bring it 2012!

3 reviews:

Anonymous said...

we know you're adopting a baby!

Mommy McD said...

Uhhhh... no. We're good on kids.

Brumbach Family said...

My guess would be...Moving to the West Coast! :)