Friday, March 23, 2012

New Stuff.

With the beginning of the year bringing the civilianization (it's totally a word... now) of Hubband's career, we have thrown ourselves into putting the finishing touches on this house.  [Ironically, amidst the talk of purchasing a new home...]

This past two weeks has seen some improvements in the office area.  Complete with a new computer.  Not just a new computer - a new computer genre.  We are now fully entrenched in the realm of Apple.  Yes, I know Mrs. Wookie.  "Boo hiss."  We also performed an Ikea hack.  I had a vision for my office area, and since I'm stuck in it during the day making phone calls, perusing facespace, and shoe shopping (what do you mean I don't have to do those last two?) and photo-editing at night,  I wanted it to be sleek and streamlined.
Also, inexpensive.
So we hacked an Ikea idea.  Took some trial and error - but we were successful.  Once I put the last few finishing touches on the area - I'll take some pictures and post them.

With all that being said, yesterday I snapped a few quick pictures, so that I could play with my new computer!

I love his face.

The end.