Thursday, November 14, 2013

Quick catch-up!

I know, it's been silent on the ol' blog front.

Here's a catch-up of what's been going down here.

We returned from our mammoth road trip mid August.

We jumped right into doctor's appointments, because…

That guy had surgery.  He's now missing one set of tonsils, and adenoids.

Then, B-rox finally donated his hair.  

He looks wayyyyyy too grown up now.

Then, as things were settling down.  (As settle as they can be while you're running from school, to soccer, to chess, to robotics - plus you know, dinners, baths, and other necessities.)

I left for a little while.
And took a trip to the best coast to unwind a little.  With the bestest.

Unwind before this:

Pretty priceless picture of what drugs do to you. 

My feelings on it all.

Four weeks post (my) surgery, I'm here, writing this.
I started driving again, though, I'm still in a cast.  (3rd one so far).

So, I'm working on it.  Bear with me.

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