Saturday, August 25, 2012

Some bullet points.

Because my brain is only able to process that kind of post today.

*I am FINALLY getting my hair cut.  Last official cut (that means we're not counting the "trims" I've given myself) was in May.  When you have weed hair that grows faster than that crab grass in your backyard, this is a long time to wait.

*The boys "went back to school" this past week.  It was actually just the last week of summer school, which we used as an "adjuster" week for the B-rox.  See, at his school classes are blended.  3,4, and 5 (and the occasional 6 - birthday dependent) year olds are all in one class - for Pre-K and Kindergarten.
So, now that Braxton is officially a 1st grader, with a new teacher (same teacher for the last three years, due to blended class...) we thought it would be beneficial to have him do a week of summer school in the new class, to adjust.
He loved it, and is totally ready for it.
If only we could convince him he's not as big as the third graders in his class... 

*The exciting news I talked about at the beginning of the year takes place soon.
I'm starting school in January.
I'm nervous and excited, hyped and dreading it.  So... you know... normal back to school feelings?
And by "normal" I mean "normal" for a mom of three that hasn't been in school in 6 years... 

*I've had book ADD lately.  I normally have a few books going at one time, but because I read so fast they usually change out pretty quickly.
I've been stuck with "The Marriage Plot", "Dandelion Fire", and "Moby Duck" (Yes. Duck, not Dick) for some time now.  Hopefully soon I'll get some good quality nap times, where I have nothing to do but read, so I can finish them off.

*Also in my "pile": "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks", "The Chestnut King", A quintology about shoes, The Michael J. Fox book, and about a bazillion others.
I suppose I should feel pretty excited about the fact that my reading list is never ending, and that I don't have enough time to get through them all.  I'm going to interpret it as a "full life" problem, which isn't really a problem at all.

*Hubband and I have booked a vacation to the Dominican Republic for next month.  Just us. No kids.

*I promised Hubband I wouldn't shop in the month of August (unfortunately that didn't include grocery shopping...).  So far, so good - though it's a little painful.  There have been a few sales that were INCREDIBLY hard to pass up.  Pats self on back... 

*I've taken a bit of a sabbatical from most social media, including facespace.  It's probably the election, but everything feels so... charged that I am having a hard time not feeling stressed when I get on.
Or dealing with a bit of depression over not being on a Hood to Coast team... 

*I joined a new gym lately, and eschewed the old one.  (Three words: location, location, location.)
With school starting I had some concerns about what time they opened the kids care area.  So, with me leading the charge, a few moms and I made suggestions to the gym, talked to the care ladies, and then eventually the regional manager.

In the reply from the manager:
"The new hours will be announced next week, and will be effective September 5th.  We believe the new hours will more than accommodate your schedule."

YAY!!! for making changes!

And, with that, I'm off.  Have a great weekend, everyone.

1 reviews:

Karen said...

Getting a great haircut does amazeball things to my soul.