Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Twenty-eight 3,4,and 5 Year olds. And their moms.

*Mother's Day with B-rox.  At his school.  Chaos ensued.  Not really.  But kind of. 
Dot-to-dot.  Practice counting to 100.  

Sight word bingo.  With Friend.  Who, is adorable and super smart - and lurves B-rox.
So she hung with us for the day.
Her mom was with her big sister in another class most of the time. 

Writing word lists.  
The one thing Braxton is constantly marked down for?
Unfortunately, I think it's genetic.
His dad and I both have pretty crap-tastic handwriting.
Thank goodness for computers. 

In line after recess.
Braxton = one of the oldest.
Braxton = one of the smallest.
He is, however, taller than some of the 3 year olds now.

"Happy Super Mother's day"

"Here's a beautiful Flower".  
 I really enjoy the privilege it is to be granted a day a year to spend with him at school.  It's kind of like "take your kid to work day" - but in reverse.
Thanks for a great day, kiddo.

1 reviews:

Mrs. Wookie said...

I heart your effin' vaginal creations. I miss you.