Today I was the mother of
those kids. You know the kind I'm talking about. The
"OMG - I can't believe she takes those gremlins out in public. I would never allow such disbehavior in my children" kind of kids.
I ran errands while Braxton was in school. It's easier with only one to lug around. But, I couldn't finish them all - so I left the one I figured would be the easiest for after I picked up the B-rox.
I just had to stop by the FHC pharmacy and pick up a refill on a prescription. (Ironically, birth control - as if this visit didn't end up being enough to keep me 10ft away from Mark at all times...) I called the Rx in last week, and usually just two day is enough. I figured a week should be plenty.
We get there - and first off the boys absconded with my ID. For those who are not militarily aquainted, without your ID you can't do jack. To put it simply. No base, no NEX, no healthcare. With a small exception. You can sign a little sheet of paper saying "I promise I'm allowed here, I'll come up with my ID sometime in the next 30 days". So I fill that out with many a "Don't put that in your mouth" and "stop, stop, stop". Ugh.
Then I get in line and get my number. Usually it takes about ten minutes from this point 'til I'm walking out the door.
This is where the fun began. I do not know what posessed my children.
Kieran started screaming. I have no idea - still - what it was about. Bloody murder, kicking, hitting, and some thrashing. A serious tantrum, out of the blue.
Braxton started jumping from chair to chair.
Wait - what?????? Yup. Jumping. From chair to chair. Of course I tried to stop him. But the moment I would turn to try and shut Kieran's pie hole he'd be trying some new wipeout move.
TickTockTickTockTickTock... (yes, all that crap is still going on, in fact, getting worse)I am now 45 minutes into this "run into the clinic and pick up my Rx", something that should NOT be happening - that's why I call the refill in ahead of time.
So like any mother on the edge I walk up to the counter and demand they tell me what the hell is so hard about grabbing a
PRE-PACKAGED BOX OF THREE MONTHS WORTH OF BIRTH CONTROL??????? Especially when I called it in a week ago.
Both of my children are now screaming like Banshees. Kieran, again, I have no clue what was going on there. Braxton was screaming because I was holding his hand, tightly, to ensure that he would not get away from me while I was trying to deal with the problem.
After a couple of "ma'am, it's not ready yet"s, and me replying with "That is not my fault, I called it in a week ago"s. Eventually, after much screaming (again, the boys - not me. I was very calm considering...) They realized the problem.
(I'm pretty sure they're idiots. That's what I
think the problem is.) Voila - they reach into the fridge and pull out a pre-packaged box, of three months worth of birth control. Oh, and their parting quip was "You might want to be more patient in the future - you're not the only patient waiting. ARE YOU KIDDING ME???????????????
So we leave. I'm am drenched in sweat, insanely embarrassed, pissed and defeated. I have never felt like such a failure. Oh, and they're still screaming as we leave. When we got to the car, Braxton escalated to the point of kicking and punching my car.
I pulled everything out of my arsenal today. I still failed. I do not even know what to do, or how to change this. I pray it's just a phase. Or better yet - a one time thing. I am not sure if I can spend another day feeling like a broken mom. Like I'm failing them somehow. I don't know what to do.
I was the mom with
those kids today. And I don't even know what to do about it.