Friday, August 1, 2008

An Abomination...

... to the shoe world. I love shoes. Adore them, would have their babies etc. etc. Its my addiction. I'm ok with that. I go through a 12 step program every time I put them on. (get it? get it?) However, there is a company out to destroy the civilized shoe world as we know it. Now, if you wear these I'm sorry. 1. For offending you with my next comment 2. And for your apparent lack of taste in footwear. This abomination is Crocs. Its as bad as mini skirts and ugg boots only instead of only infecting college aged coeds this disease spans all people; male, female, old, young - you get the idea. Anyway I read an article in Newsweek today about these shoes. The author of the article shares my opinion on them and the link is featured here. If you don't share my opinion thats ok. You probably shouldn't read it. If you do share my opinion, read it and laugh. Its great! Here is a funny youtube video that parodies this fashion disaster.

2 reviews:

Rochelle said...

Oh lordy...I hate hate HATE crocs. They recommend washing those things in the dishwasher, I believe...

Mrs. Wookie said...

i have "frocs." i wear them to yoga, from yoga. that's it. not out to the grocery store, not out to dinner, not out shopping.

i understand the hatred for those who wear them religiously. i hate when people where them everywhere.

"excuse me miss, are you gardening? okay then, put on some real shoes."

namaste, lol :)