Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It has to be said...

Last night started the week of television show premieres. I was looking forward to one show in particular to begin my Monday evenings this fall/winter. CBS's How I Met Your Mother. Last night didn't let me down.
The rest of the story is going to draw ire from a certain bob and her hairy man counterpart. Still, I have to tell it.

So, the main character Ted, asks this girl to marry him. Then finds out said girl has never seen the movie Star Wars - which happens to be his favorite movie.
**Just FYI, she isn't the only one who has never seen that movie...**
Anyway, Ted has her watch this movie -because of course he can't marry this girl unless she loves it. When its over she tells Ted she loves it, then Ted leaves the room in search of libations or something.
When Ted leaves the room the girl exlaims to Ted's BFF "I hated it! What is with that bear?!?! How do they understand him??? He makes a sound ~insert wookie noise~ and everybody is like Ok bear, that sounds good!!!! It's ridiculous!!!!"

I almost shot coke out of my nose. Oh man, it was hilarious. That is for you big one.... Obviously more funny while watching...

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